What Is Map Legend?


Author: Richelle
Published: 19 Dec 2021

Maptitude Mapping Software

A map legend is a description, explanation, or table of symbols printed on a map or chart to allow a better understanding of it. Map legends usually contain information the map scale. Maptitude Mapping Software gives you all the tools you need to understand analyze geography. Maptitude maps can help you understand geography.

Legends of Map

A map legend is a side table or box on a map that shows the meaning of the symbols, shapes and colors used on the map. The map key is sometimes called the map legend. The map legend has a scale to help the reader gauge distances.

The Legend

The legend is a graphical representation of information with design principles similar to a map or any other graphic. It is related to the map information that it is connected to. It is important to remember the layout design concepts such as harmony, visual balance, clarity, visual logic, logical groupings, and unambiguous references to create a legend that is effective in relation to the map.

The maps visual appearance will be enhanced by a well laid out legend. It is possible to access and modify legend properties once a legend is in the layout. The elements that can be changed by users include background, border, shadow, title, group layer name, headings, labels and descriptions.

Adding Legends to Map Elements

The element is identified by its name on the map. When the layout is in draft mode, the name of the element is drawn into a hollow frame. The name is based on the element type, but you can change it to a descriptive name on the Size and Position tab of the element's Properties dialog box.

The element name is important for map automation. The names of elements are used to identify which elements will be modified. The table of contents' name property is the same as the data frame's name property.

Updating the name inside the Data Frame Properties dialog box will also update its name in the table of contents. When you add a map element, it's not always the size you want. You can change the size of the map elements by dragging the selection handles.

Dragging a handle away from an element enlarges it, while dragging a handle toward an element reduces it. You can only change the size, position, and frame of an element after it is on the map. The Size and Position tab and the Frame tab are not visible if you click on the Properties tab inside the initial configuration dialog box.

The map has arrows that show the orientation. A north arrow element is connected to a data frame. The north arrow element will rotation with the data frame beingROTATED.

Symbolization of Maps

Title, legend, source, and scale are important elements of maps, but they need to be applied according to map design principles in order to properly convey the information. The one below is difficult to read and confusing. The features on a map are visualized using the term symbolization.

Everything on a map is a representation of something in the real world. A mapmaker must constantly decide how a map feature should be symbolized in a way that helps the reader to quickly understand what it is and its degree of importance relative to other features on the map. Size.

Size is a visual variable that is suited for quantitative attributes. Large sizes are often seen as being important, while small sizes are seen as being unimportant. The map audience can't estimate the difference between sizes.

There is value. The value is the light or dark of a hue. It is used for quantitative data to show relative importance or amount on a continuous scale.

The Map of the X-ray Binaries

The map shows the smallest area, which includes more detail. The scale can be expressed as a bar or equivalent units of distance. The map of Miami Beach has a legend that shows major points of interest. A map usually shows which directions are north, south, east, and west.

Backgrounds of Map Images

The background of the map is important in several ways. It can serve to distinguish elements without borders, and provides "breathing room" between the map elements. A title surrounding it with wide white space increases its contrast with its surroundings and makes it appear higher up in the hierarchy.

The map image is the primary element on a map page. It is usually placed in the top of the visual hierarchy due to its tendency to be more complex than other elements on the page. The ability to clearly show detail in the map is maximized by the maximum possible scale that is being enlarged.

The map's symbols are defined by legends, those that are not already obvious. A legend can be used to organize the symbols into a structure of layers and importance, as well as to educate about the subject matter. The legend may give information about the variable being displayed.

The title of a map

A map key is an explanation of the symbols or language on the map. If readers cannot determine what the symbols in the map are intended to represent, a map can fail to communicate its message. Not all symbols on the map need to be included in the legend, but symbols that are intuitive, well-labeled, or unimportant may be left out.

Maps with standardized symbology, such as street maps, may remove the legend altogether. The title of the map gives the audience contextual information that they need to use the map correctly. The title and the information in it are less important if the audience knows about the area.

Since the title is the first part of a map that an audience notices, it is important to give the general idea of the map in an effective manner. The geographic name, layer name, and indicator name are the three parts of the map title. The title of the map shows where the audience is looking, but the geographic name is the base area that the map shows.

Balance is a principle of map layout that seeks to harmonious organization of map elements and empty space that incorporates the concept of available space. The map can be improved by applying correct balancing techniques. A poorly designed map can cause a lack of harmony because it appears to compete for space, while a well designed map will complement one another.

The negative space is between the subject and the image. It may be most obvious when the space around a subject forms an interesting shape. Negative space draws attention to specific locations.

Local legends and stories

A legend, traditional story or group of stories about a person or place. The term legend used to mean a tale about a saint. The folklores that are associated with a particular locality or person are known as legends and are told as a matter of history.

Local legends travel. The legend of the Piedpiper of Hamelin is well-known, but there are many other European towns with the same legend. See folklore.

A map legend is the key to understanding the map. They are usually symbols that represent a significant land form. They can show where a battle took place.

Rotating Maps

Four maps are rotating every 15 minutes. The five maps are in rotation and the fifth is a POI from a Battle Royale map.

Legends and Myth

There are differences between legends and myths. myths are stories that answer questions about the working of natural phenomenon. In olden times, myths are still set.

Legend is stories about people and their actions to save their people or nations. English legends like King Arthur, Beowulf, and Queen Boadicea are popular. It is important to understand that some of the stories about the Knights of the Round Table may not be true.

The myth and legend are both passed down from generation to generation in oral form. King Arthur was the leader of the British army in the 5th and 6th centuries. The folklore that led to the creation of the King Arthur story is what led to the composition of the story.

The historical existence of King Arthur has always been questioned, despite some literary inventions being made in the story. The Annales Cambrige, Historia Brittonum, and writings of Gildas are some of the historical sources that may be attributed to the legend of King Arthur. The function of a legend is to show the story of human actions in a way that the audience will believe them.

Actions are presented as if they have happened in the past. It is important for a legend to include things that are outside the realm of possibility. Over time, legends have undergone change, giving them a freshness, vitality, and realistic taste.

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