What Is Target Namespace?

- Where is the data in XML?
- Model Importation
- Targetnames: a tool for breaking third-generency documents
- Imports in the XSD
- The xsi:Schema Location
- The name space of an element
- xsd:targetNamespace attribute
- TargetNamespace: A NameSpace for the XML Schemas and WsDL
- A Note on BizTalk with a Different Root Node Name
- Configuring Shared Namespaces
Where is the data in XML?
What is the location of the data in the XML? The xsi:schema location locates attribute schemas for elements and attributes in a specified namespace. The value is anamespace URI followed by a relative or absolute URL where the database for that namespace can be found. It can be found further down the tree if it is attached to the root element.
What is the location of the data in the XML? The xsi:schema location locates attribute schemas for elements and attributes in a specified namespace. The value is anamespace URI followed by a relative or absolute URL where the database for that namespace can be found. It can be found further down the tree if it is attached to the root element.
Model Importation
Model elements from different packages and different models are related to one another. One model may have components that another model may want to reuse. An import relationship is a way to include elements from a source to another.
The names of imported elements are part of the targetnamespace. The qualified name of the imported element is based on where the element is located in the targetnamespace, and so does not require a qualified name when shown on a diagram that designates the targetnamespace. The source package's model elements are imported into the targetnamespace when a package import is done.
When it is not necessary to import all the elements of a package, an element import may be used. When access control is enforced by a modeling tool, an imported element can only be changed in the source package, but any changes made to the element are visible in the diagrams representing the target package. The named elements are called members, whether they are imported or direct containment.
Members have a visibility within their namespace. The public visibility is the default for a member of a namespace. The visibility of a member is what determines whether it can be imported into another namespace.
The source package has public visibility in the targetnamespace. The source package's model elements are imported into the targetnamespace when a package import applies. When it is not necessary to import all the elements of a package, an element import may be used.
Targetnames: a tool for breaking third-generency documents
Targetnamespaces can help us make sure that if two different documents are referencing the same third XML Schema, that they are both in deed referencing the same Schemand not just a Schema that contains elements that are similar, but not identical to one another. There are several advantages to breaking the files into multiple files. You can reuse definitions across projects. They break down the schema into smaller units that are easier to manage, making definitions and version easier to read.
Imports in the XSD
The section where you specify the namespace of the XSD is called the imports section. The data that the service will send will be contained in a XSD file. The operations that the WSDL will expose can be contained in a XSD.
The xsi:Schema Location
The xsi:schema location locates attribute schemas for elements and attributes in a specified namespace. The value is anamespace URI followed by a relative or absolute URL where the database for that namespace can be found. It can be found further down the tree if it is attached to the root element.
The name space of an element
The name space of the element is set by the attribute. The elements inside the described element do not explicitly state another name space for themselves, so the default name space is applied to them.
xsd:targetNamespace attribute
The xsd:targetNamespace attribute can be used to place elements and attributes from the default namespace into a different one. You can either use a prefix or a default to specify whether the elements and attributes of the schema should appear in a specific area. You can use the form attribute to specify individual elements and attributes, or you can use the element Form Default to specify global elements and attributes.
TargetNamespace: A NameSpace for the XML Schemas and WsDL
TargetNamespace is used in the XML Schemas and theWSDL to identify and select the namespace into which new elements are created. You need a declaration in thenamespace to reference the new element or type after you have defined it.
One may ask what is the location of the data in the XML. The xsi:schema location locates attribute schemas for elements and attributes in a specified namespace. The value is anamespace URI followed by a relative or absolute URL where the database for that namespace can be found. It can be found further down the tree if it is attached to the root element.
A Note on BizTalk with a Different Root Node Name
If the root node name is different, you will run into issues when you receive the message. The XmlDisassembler will throw an error if it finds multiple MessageTypes with the same Namespace#RootName combination deployed. Arindam has pointed out that the same schema can cause errors in the BizTalk platform. If you want to keep the same namespace, you need to change the root.
Configuring Shared Namespaces
A shared namespace is a place where a namespace may be attached to two or more controllers. Private Namespace is the only controller that may be attached to a namespace. The host decides which one.
If multiple namespaces are assigned to different tenants, they can't have access to the same data, and that can be applied to a namespace with more sensitive data. It is important to specify which namespace should be affected when setting up multiple namespaces. Each namespace can be formatted with different methods.

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