What Is Translat To French?

French Language Stack Exchange
French Language Stack Exchange is a place for students, teachers, and linguists to ask questions and discuss the nuances of the French language. It takes a minute to sign up.
Translators for Presentation
Need a translator for your presentation? Want a free translation for your class? Millions of people use SYSTRAN French translation software. SYSTRAN uses accurate linguistics and specialized dictionaries to deliver the best French translation quality.
The French Language
France's official language is French, which is also the official language of the Francophonie, a group of 29 French-speaking countries. People who speak French are known as Francophones. Parts of Canadand the United States are part of a region with significant French-speaking communities.
It is a significant part of the history of countries that were colonized by the French. It was more common in Germany and Holland than in France until the 19th century. Around the world, 220 million people speak a language.
It is one of the top five languages in Europe. It has been used for hundreds of years in science, commerce, diplomacy, and literature. It is the official language of the United Nations, the International Olympic Committee, the World Trade Organization, NATO, and the European Union.
It is a Romance language that refers to a group of languages. It is the second most popular language after English. It is a subject taught in almost every country on the planet.
It is used by the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights. It is the only language used in the European Union's Court of Justice. There are 26 letters in the alphabet, five diacritics, and two orthographic ligatures.
The French Language in Israel
French is one of the three official languages of Luxembourg, which is used by businesses and different public administrations. It is the official language of Monaco. Sub-Saharan Africa is the region where the French language is most likely to expand because of the rapid population growth.
It is where the language has evolved the most. The written forms of the language are very similar to those of the rest of the French-speaking world, which makes it difficult for French speakers from other countries to understand. French Jews in Israel are part of a large French-speaking community that also includes other Jews from other countries.
French is a foreign language in many secondary schools. French is the first foreign language taught in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland, and it has a high number of pupils. French is the second most popular foreign language in the United States after Spanish.

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